Real Life Stories of Working with Nature-based Solutions: Green manure and agroforesty


In this testimonial video clip, İhsan Şanlı, an organic farmer of grapes in Gölmarmara, Turkey, explains the benefits of green manure. The agro-ecological practice consists of incorporating weeds into the soil. While mixing, drip irrgation is applied from above so that the vines will not be damaged and the grapes will not become shriveled. To protect his vineyard from the grapevine moth risk İhsan installed pheromone wires. Also agroforestry is practiced in Gölmarmara. Erdal Ziyan, the Chairman of the Gölmarmara Chamber of Agriculture, who is also an organic farmer, explains about his experimental trial to cultivate fig trees and melons in the same field plot. Both İhsan Şanlı and Erdal Ziyan are active members of the Mara-Mediterra Living Lab in Marmara Lake, Turkey.



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