Spotlight on Smart Irrigation



This clip features the testimony by Massimo Lodovichi, a farmer who tills the land in Tuscany, Italy. It brings the spotlight on his use of a Diviner system to save on irrigation water needs. This agroforestry practice is one of the agro-ecological practices promoted by Mara-Mediterra.

Watch how he succeeded to save around 50% of water required to irrigate his fruit trees. This achievement should foremost be seen in the context of increasingly drier winters in Tuscany, with too little rain in some years to fill the artificial basins he created on his farm to their full capacity

His testimony comes with subtitles in either English, French, Arabic, Greek or Turkish, which are the working languages in Mara-Mediterra’s hotspots of land and water degradation.

The testimonial forms part of an initial set of real-life stories of working with Nature-based Solutions by farmers in Italy, Greece and Malta.



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