Mara-Mediterra’s 2nd e-Newsletter is coming out soon!


Do not miss out on receiving the 2nd e-Newsletter in your mailbox! To register simply visit the homepage and a pop-up window will appear in just a few seconds inviting you to provide your contact details and to inform in which language (Arabic, English, French, Greek or Turkish) you wish to receive the project’s e-Newsletters.

The 2nd e-Newsletter shares the principal outcomes of the first series of Roundtables organized with stakeholders in Mara-Mediterra’s 5 hotspots of land and water degradation. It then brings an update on the launch of the Living Lab in Algeria which received nationwide media coverage. Read up also on the PRIMA funded novel wetlands aquaponics facility which opened its doors to the public in Egypt.

The 1st e-Newsletter is being made available for download from these links: Arabic, English, French, Greek and Turkish.



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