Mara-Mediterra launches a European-wide Survey


The Mara-Mediterra Partnership cordially invites you to join in a survey that explores the obstacles and the potential solutions to the uptake of agro-ecological practices in Europe’s agricultural sector. It complements a survey that was organized in the project’s five hotspots of land and water degradation and saw the collection of more than 450 replies from farmers. Outcomes of the latter survey were presented in Mara-Mediterra’s Third e-Newsletter, which can be accessed through this link.

The present survey is being run with the theme: “How can you help the agricultural transition?”. Its aim is to better understand public opinion about the challenges faced by the agricultural sector and to find out how you would be willing to act. The survey, which should only take around 5 minutes to complete can be accessed through this link.

The first part of the survey invites public opinion on the compliance requirements imposed on farmers by the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to meet ecological expectations and the financial and technical resources available to farmers to meet these requirements. This part of the survey is motivated further by the significant number of protests by farmers which continued to grow in scale all around Europe earlier this year.

 The second part of the survey is to find out to what extent the public would be willing to encourage farmers to meet ecological expectations. To this effect, the survey attempts to gain a better understanding if you would be willing to support agro-ecologically friendly farming by contributing to a crowdfunding campaign. And if so, how much you would willing to contribute to sustain the uptake of agro-ecological practices on an annual basis.

The final part of the survey invites anonymized personal data, such as gender, age group, educational background and annual income range. These are expected to bring additional, valuable insights to the forthcoming analysis, the results of which will be shared also through this website.

The Mara-Mediterra Partnership wishes to thank you for accepting this invitation to participate in this European-wide Survey!



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