Mara-Mediterra at Centennial IUSS Conference in Florence, Italy


Mara-Mediterra was not going to miss out joining the centennial celebration of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in Florence, Italy during 19-21 May 2024.

The Italian research team in the partnership, UNIFI, led by Anna Dalla Marta, convened the Special session on Nature-based Solutions for sustainable soil and water management and set up a dedicated Mara-Mediterra booth at the event.

The Turkish research team in the Mara-Mediterra partnership, DEU DESUM, was represented at the event by Cem Polat Cetinkaya, Teamleader, Mert Can Günaçtı and Filiz Barbaros. Their Mara-Mediterra inspired presentation was entitled ‘Fuzzy cognitive mapping of stakeholders’ perception of Nature-based Solutions for soil and water resources management’. The paper, draws conclusions from the analysis of stakeholders’ viewpoints that were collected by means of a questionnaire.

The general themes covered by the IUSS Conference and the abstract of the presentation by DEU DESUM during the special session can be accessed from this link.

(from left) Cem Polat Cetinkaya, Filiz Barbaros, and Mert Can Günaçtı at the Mara-Mediterra booth set up by Anna Dalla Marta (seated) at the Centennial IUSS Celebration in Florence, Italy.




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