Aegean Island of Lesvos crowned as one of the 100 European Soil Mission Living Labs



We are proud to announce that our Greek Living Lab is one of the 100 European Soil Mission Living Labs. Building on its experience in the PRIMA funded Mara-Mediterra project, the Aegean Living Lab now participates in the Horizon Europe funded project GOV4ALL “Governance and business models for living labs: rural regeneration hubs for tackling soil health challenges in the Mediterranean region”.



The GOV4ALL project foresees the establishment of five (5) Soil Mission Living Labs as agro-innovation hubs in France, Greece and Spain.  At its Kick-off meeting, which was held during 5 to 7 June 2024 in Cartagena, Spain, the Mara-Mediterra team members were invited to share their experience from the establishment of Mara-Mediterra’s Living Labs, including coordination, management, stakeholder engagement and scientific aspects of operation. More than 60 persons from 36 organizations participated in the meeting, including the EC Policy Officer Mrs Paola Eulalio, Dr. Panos Panagos from the EC Joint Research Centre-EU Soil Observatory, and the coordinator of the SOILL project,  Mrs. Giulia Campodonico.


The project ambition, as it was stressed at the end of the meeting by the GOV4ALL Project Coordinator, Tristano Bacchetti De Gregoris, is “to put farmers at the centre of the innovation process, tapping into their vast knowledge to generate sustainable solutions that are beneficial for people and the planet.”

The GOV4ALL project was recently approved for funding under the Call Topic HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-08 and officially launched on 5th June 2024.



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