Invited presentation at EU CAP Network Workshop on the theme ‘Circular water management’


Mara-Mediterra proudly announces that Ms Eleanna Panna, our Project Manager, has been invited to present our PRIMA funded project in the session entitled “Inspirational examples on circular water management” of the upcoming EU CAP Network workshop which will take place in Seville, Spain on 12 and 13 March 2024.

The 2-day workshop is dedicated to bringing together innovation actors to share innovative approaches and practices, disseminate and exchange knowledge on circular water management considering the reuse and recycling of water for agricultural production.

It will create an excellent opportunity for participants to share innovative approaches and practices, to identify methods and techniques for circular water management tailored to different types of farms, as well as new sources of wastewater from small agri-food industries in an individual or collective way, and to highlight the socioeconomic benefits that can be derived from implementing circular water management systems.

The main envisaged target groups of the event are farmers, advisors, researchers, projects and initiatives related to circular water management, including EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and Horizon projects, water cooperatives and associations, SMEs, and any other innovators interested in sharing their knowledge on the topic of circular water management.

We look forward to Eleanna’s presentation, and for sure also to the outcomes of the interactive sessions on the programme, which include a Pro-Action Café to identify challenges, knowledge needs and skills, and solutions.

The agenda of the workshop can be accessed through this link.



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